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5th System Dynamics PhD Colloquium 2004 in Oxford, UK

The SD Ph.D. Student Colloquium 2004 will be held on Sunday July 25th, starting at 8.50am and lasting until roughly 5.20pm.

There will be 3 presentation blocks. In each block there are two consecutive 20-minute presentations. The presentations are followed by two parallel 35-minute workshops. These workshops are intended for discussing the questions raised during the presentation with the faculty and others.

For the second time, due to extensively more applications than slots we provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students to pose their SD-related questions at the poster session following the presentations and group workshops.


All presentations will be given in the “Pusey Room”. The room is as close as possible to the “Gibbs Room” where the Policy Council will meet.

Break-out Sessions
There will be two break-out rooms. The first room is the "Pusey Room", the one for the presentations. The second room is the "Henry Ley Room".

Poster Sessions
The poster session will take place in the “Pusey Room”. Set-up takes place during the last mini-break.

Technical Equipment Provided

Both rooms should have: Overhead projector, LCD projector, whiteboards, screen, and clipchart with markers.

Please note that there will be no computers provided. Those of you, who would like to give the presentation electronically, please bring your own notebook.

Poster Presentations
Pusey Room: It turned out that Keble is not able to provide us with poster boards. Therefore, the posters will be tacked to the walls with blue tack (or white tack). Blue tack (or white tack) is this gummy stuff that sticks but then can be totally removed from the walls. It is a good idea to bring your tacks with you…

Note the following link to the official SD conference website, which informs you on the do's and don'ts of a poster presentation:

Agenda, as of July 21th, 2004


Start Time

End Time


Pusey Room

Henry Ley Room

Facilitators or


8.50 am

9.00 am

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome and Introduction


Burak Güneralp and Birgit Kopainsky


9.00 am

10.20 am


Career Options for the Life after the PhD

Career Options for the Life after the PhD

Etiënne Rouwette, Oleg Pavlov, Dennis Shearwood


10.20 am

10.40 am

Morning Refreshment Break

Junior Common Room


all participants


10.40 am

11.00 am

1st presentation

A System Dynamics Model of Interaction Between Fiscal Decentralization Policy and Public Services Quality Emphasizing Citizen Options: A Case of Municipalities in West Java Province, Indonesia


Jaziar Radianti


11.00 am

11.20 am

2nd presentation

System Dynamics Model for the Analysis of Socio-Economic Effects after a Wide Implementation of the ELIP-test Diagnostic Technology


Leeza Osipenko

Abstract(pdf, 60Kb)
(ppt, 368Kb)

11.25 am

12.00 am


A System Dynamics Model of Interaction Between Fiscal Decentralization Policy and Public Services Quality Emphasizing Citizen Options: A Case of Municipalities in West Java Province, Indonesia

System Dynamics Model for the Analysis of Socio-Economic Effects after a Wide Implementation of the ELIP-test Diagnostic Technology

Jaziar Radianti, Leeza Osipenko and the audience


12.00 am

1.10 pm


Dining Hall


all participants


1.10 pm

1.30 pm

3rd presentation

Spreading the Use of System Dynamics: Novice Modellers or Modelling at Conversation Pace?


Kristjan Ambroz


1.30 pm

1.50 pm

4th presentation

The Usage and the Utility of System Dynamics in Strategic Decision-making


Birgitte Snabe


1.55 pm

2.30 pm


Spreading the Use of System Dynamics: Novice Modellers or Modelling at Conversation Pace?

The Usage and the Utility of System Dynamics in Strategic Decision-making

Kristjan Ambroz, Birgitte Snabe and the audience


2.30 pm

2.40 pm




all participants


2.40 pm

3.00 pm

5th presentation

The dynamics of a contingency theoretical system


Peter Klaas

Abstract(pdf, 34Kb)
Presentation(ppt, 225Kb)

3.00 pm

3.20 pm

6th presentation

Market dynamics and integrated supply and demand modelling in satellite navigation application – using system dynamics to enhance forecasts for market take-up and network externality effects


Daniel JW Arthur


3.25 pm

4.00 pm


The dynamics of a contingency theoretical system

Market dynamics and integrated supply and demand modelling in satellite navigation application – using system dynamics to enhance forecasts for market take-up and network externality effects

Peter Klaas, Daniel JW Arthur and the audience


4.00 pm

4.20 pm

Afternoon Refreshment Break

Junior Common Room


all participants


4.20 pm

5.20 pm

Poster Workshop /
Informal Discussions

A participative System Dynamics approach in a global research program for sustainable development


Justus Gallati


4.20 pm

5.20 pm

Poster Workshop /
Informal Discussions

Impacts of environmental condition on human social well-being


Melanie Cox

Abstract(pdf, 49Kb)

4.20 pm

5.20 pm

Poster Workshop /
Informal Discussions

Towards a Generic Model of Tourist Flow Generation for Supporting Sustainability-oriented Policy Making


Yangang Xing


4.20 pm

5.20 pm

Poster Workshop /
Informal Discussions

System Dynamics and Balanced Scorecard


Iason Anagnostopoulos

Abstract(pdf, 61Kb)

4.20 pm

5.20 pm

Poster Workshop /
Informal Discussions

Model-Facilitated Learning of Macroeconomics


David Wheat


5.20 pm


End of Colloquium

End of Colloquium